National Sapling Campaign launch at the Ministry of Martyrs and Disabled Affairs
National Sapling Campaign launch at the Ministry of Martyrs and Disabled Affairs
Professor Hamidullah Farooqi the Acting Minister of the Ministry of Martyrs and Disabled Affairs with presence of Jamilah Nuristani the Deputy Minister of Support and Service, Sabri Andar the Deputy Minister of Programs and Coordination, heads, consultants and other perssonel of Ministry on Wednesday, March 10, on occasion of National Spaling, they saplings in courtyard of ministry and ask everyone to contribute to the prosperity of their country.
Mr. Farooqi congratulates on National Day of Sapling Campaign and wishing peace and stability in the country. He states that March 10 (20 Hout) the National Sapling Day is a message and beginning of a historic day. On this day all citizens of Afghanistan have to plant seedlings in their environment and home in order to contribute to prosperity, greenery and making a healthy environment. He emphasizes that Afghanistan today needs more attention about environment and we have to fulfill our national responsibility in this field.
Mr. Farooqi also adds that climate is changing globably and environmental challenges have become an international challenges, so it is necessary for us to proudly recognize our humanitarian responsibilities and work together for reducing pollution.