The starting of distribution land to the families of security & defense martyrs

پنجشنبه ۱۴۰۰/۴/۱۰ - ۱۰:۵۳

The starting of distribution land to the families of security & defense martyrs

The MMD sincerely thanks from the President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan on distributing 10,000 land grad to the families of Security and Defense martyrs. Moreover, the MMD deeply thanks from attempting of Amrullah Saleh the First Vice-president of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, the relevant institutions and technical partners who are starting the distribution of land for this cortex of society.
The trend of distributing 10,000 land grad to the families of martyrs was started yesterday by President Ashraf Ghani, which shows the appreciation of government and nation toward the bravery and sacrifices of the security and defense martyrs in order to maintain independence, territorial integrity and sovereignty in Afghanistan.
The MMD believes that distribution of land to the families of security and defense martyrs is not sufficient toward the security and defense martyrs who sacrificed their lives and blood to defend the freedom, independence and sovereignty of Afghanistan. But starting the distribution of 10,000 land grad to their families shows the value of their sacrifices.
The MMD while welcoming the process of distributing land to the families of Security and Defense martyrs who sacrificed themselves to defense from country, obviously stated that this ministry will cooperate with relevant institutions in process of distributing land to this proud people. In addition, the MMD is committed to ensuring transparency and fighting against corruption in distributing land to families of martyrs, and will try hard to have a close coordination and cooperation with relevant institutions on distribution.

Best regards
Professor Hamidullah Farooqi the Acting Minister of MMD
Kabul, July 1, 2021

تازه ترین اخبار

پنجشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۶/۸ - ۹:۲۰
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