Providing services through One Stop Shop


 The service was officially opened through the One Stop Shop of the Ministry of Martyrs and Disabled Affairs



The inauguration ceremony was attended by Laluddin Aryubi, Minister of State for Martyrs and Disabled Affairs, the leadership of the Ministry, and Omar Khan Munib the Advisor to the President for Martyrs and Disabled Affairs.

The opening of this center was one of the priorities of the Ministry of Martyrs and the Disabled that its main goal was to simplify the complex work process, accelerate work process, electrify services, eliminate bureaucracy, prevent corruption, create transparency in the payment of heirs of martyrs and people with disabilities and provide services. Also, transparent through the new electrical system for heirs of martyrs and people with disabilities under a unit umbrella.mmd

By the establishment of the mentioned center, the work process has been reduced from (72) stages to (12) stages.

The One Stop Shop service center is equipped with all modern technology equipment which its staff has already been trained in order to be transparent and rapid with the modern equipment and technology for daily work of the heirs of the martyrs and people with disabilities.

In this center the work of the Department of Martyrs and the Disabled has been separated which is done by their respective departments. In addition, separate waiting houses have been set up for the male and female classes. Also, an electronic ID card distribution department for the heirs of the martyrs and people with disabilities which is practically full of work and is distributing electronic ID card daily to hundreds of people.

The new One Stop Shop service center in creating transparency in this ministry, closing the gap between the government and the nation, and creating transparency in the direction of accountability which it has a fundamental role that makes people believe in good governance.

The service through an One Stop Shop has been made the facilities for the customer.mmd

The Minister of State for Martyrs and the Disabled Affairs Mr. Laluddin Aryubi met and spoke through a single window during a meeting of the service departments.

The event which was attended by deputies, heads, advisers, ministry staff and customers focused on the activities and purpose of the section.

Mr. Arioubi expressed his satisfaction with the facilitation of the clients' work process and said that facilitating the provision of services to this group is the basis of the Ministry's reform programs.

 During his speech, Mr. Aryoubi said that our goal is to provide services and electrical and modern systems for our clients so that we can provide services in critical times even from remote place.

Mr. Arioubi visited the working sections of the staff and clients, and listened to their requests and suggestions

The Ministry of State for Martyrs and Disabled Affairs generally provides services through One Stop Shop to facilitate the work of various departments for clients.

To provide services through One Stop Shop for clients, numbers of employees have been hired in different departments.

1- Welcome section: three representatives work in this section

 A) Representative Section of Martyrs: All petitions related to heirs of martyrs are collected in this section.

 B) - Representative of the Disabled Section: All applications of people with disabilities are submitted to the representative and their work is done in this stages.

 C) - In this section, one person carries out the work of the correspondence that is all the official correspondence that enters the ministry, they deliver to the relevant branches within the ministry.


 2- Martyrs section: In this place, services are provided in two sections.

 A) Confirmation: Those military martyrs who belong to the Ministries of Defense, Interior and the General Directorate of National Security all their documents are completed in their respective departments and officially brought by the heir to the Martyrs' Department to enter its information. The above work is done in the database then it refers to the calculation section.

Some civilian martyrs who are employees of the department are officially introduced to the Martyrs' Registration Department by their respective departments and those who do not work with any department refer to them through a request and petition.

3- Disabled section: Here the services are provided in two sections.

A) Stabilization: Those disabled people who just want to register in this office they need first submit their applications to the Ministry from where it is referred to the stabilization department and they will be given a form by the registration department. After fill the form, disabled person will refer the form to the area where he or she has been injured where the responsible office will confirm.

We will officially introduce the person to the health commission, so that the percentage commission can determine his disability and after a percentage confirmation of his disability by the Health Commission, he is officially sent to the stabilization department, after which his work is processed in the stabilization branch and referred to the calculation department.

B) Calculation: Once their documents are established then referred to the calculation section where the rest of the work is related to calculation.

 4- Military section: In this branch, services are provided to the martyrs and military disabled people related to the Ministries of Defense and Interior and the General Directorate of National Security.

 5- Civil section: In this branch, civil services are provided for the heirs of martyrs and people with disabilities.mmd

6- Electrical system section: The heirs of the martyrs and people with disabilities who apply for ID cards which are entered in the electrical system after the approval of the review committee.

7- Human Resources Department: Vacancies that are competed by the Ministry and those who run for these positions their work is carried out from this branch.

 8- Form section: In this section, seven people are working who fill the form for the heirs of the martyrs and people with disabilities in the online form of the electronic ID card.

The Ministry of State for Martyrs and the Disabled Affairs provides these services free of charge for the heirs of martyrs and people with disabilities for more than 100 people daily for an online ID card outside the Ministry and the form is filled and their work is done in stages.

 9- ID card section: This ID card is issued for the heirs of the martyrs and people with disabilities. According to the proposal of the Ministry of State for Martyrs and Disabled Affairs, 10 employees of the National Statistics and have been assigned here to go for the heirs of martyrs and people with disabilities which getting an electronic ID card is simple and easy.

10- Social services section: In this place, services and information in the sections of education, scholarships, distribution of cabins, job search and portion of Haj are provided for heirs of martyrs and people with disabilities

 11- Information section: From here all kinds of information and guidance for clients are done.

 12- Payment section: Information about the implementation and payment of salaries of the heirs of the martyrs and people with disabilities.

13- Database section: Those documents that are related to the Ministry of National Defense, Interior and General Directorate of National Security are sending to this ministry by their registered office after registering the information in the database those client documents that are related to Kabul in the this ministry their work will complete, and those who belong to the provinces are referring to the relevant provinces to complete their documents.mmd

14. Archive section: The cards and documents of the clients which were previously kept in an irregular manner in the bourgeoisie are now fallen documents and the information of each person's documents is recorded and stored in the computer.

15- Petition section: The petition is written for the clients in this place for free such as petition correction, petitions martyrs and newly registered disabled, congenitally disabled, job search, missing documents and booklet.

It is worth mentioning that scanning, copying, printing and petitioning machines are provided free of charge to the clients and next to it there is a suitable waiting area for men and women separately.