Provincial IT & Rollout Officer

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Closing Date
Job Title: Provincial IT & Rollout Officer
Job Location: Nangarhar, Kandahar, Baghlan, Parwan, Sar-e-Pul, Kunduz, Helmand, Khost, Jawzjan, Kunar, Ghazni, Bamyan, Paktika, Logar, Ghour, Daikundi, Badghis, Samangan, Faryab, Wardak, .
Nationality: Afghan.
Category: IT.
Employment Type: Full Time.
Salary: As Per NTA grade E1.
Vacancy No.: (__________)
No. of Jobs: 20.
City: Capital of each Province.
Organization: Ministry of Martyrs and Disabled Affairs.
Years of Experience: 2 Years
Contract Duration: 7 Months.
Gender: Male/Female
Education: Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science (Masters Preferable)
Closing Date: 08/04/2021
About Ministry of Martyrs and Disabled Affairs:
After the coupon 27 April 1978, some government officials including military officials, civil servants, and low-ranked employees who were martyred and killed in conflicts were provided with their rights without considering their ranks and grades during their tenures through the general directorate of pension.
As war continued to perpetuate, the process of providing services to the martyred continued, thus in 1990 the authority was separated from the general directorate of pension and started operating as an independent directorate for martyrs and disabled under the office of vice-president. Later, in April 1992 in an effort to pay homage to the holy Jihad of the brave Afghan people the authority was promoted to the status of a ministry that started functioning with the registration of martyrs and disabled addressing needs of martyrs and PwDs across the country. During the Taliban era in 1996, the directorate was merged into the Ministry of Refugees and Returnees where it continued to function as a deputy minister. In 2002, during the transition period, the directorate was once again promoted to the status of a ministry called “Ministry of Martyrs and Disabled”. In 2006, the ministry was merged into the ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and was collectively called Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, Martyrs, and Disabled “MoLSAMD”. Under the ministry, affairs related to martyrs and people with disabilities were managed through a deputy ministry.
On 07 October 2019, the deputy minister was separated from MoLSAMD and became National Support Authority for Martyrs and People with Disabilities through a presidential decree issued with serial number 75. The authority started functioning in the light of the enacted national laws aimed at serving people who have given up on their lives or have lost family members.
Subsequently, the authority was promoted to State ministry for Martyrs and Disabled Affairs through a presidential decree issued with serial number 132 on 19 January 2019 and is currently functional as Ministry of Martyrs and Disabled Affairs.
Job Description:
- Installing and configuring computer hardware, software, system, network, printers, and scanners.
- Monitoring and maintaining computer systems and networks.
- Responding in a timely manner to service issues and requests.
- Providing technical support to provincial MMD departments.
- Setting up accounts for new users.
- Repairing and replacing equipment as necessary.
- Testing new technology.
- Possibly training more junior staff members.
- Daily troubleshooting the problems of biometric scanner and relevant PCs.
- Configuration and installation of windows server, network relevant switches, and other hardware and software.
- Helping technical team in biometric enrollment of heirs of martyrs and disables.
- Registration of martyrs and disables forms to computerized web base.
Job Requirement:
- Bachelor degree in computer science, Master is preferable
- 2 years of relevant experience.
- Excellent language proficiency in spoken and written, Pashto, Dari, and English.
- Establish and build effective working relationships with staff and partners.
- Proficient in Microsoft Office package, especially Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, and Word.
- Ability to prioritize workload and meet deadlines.
- Typing speed skill is very necessary.
- Strong oral communication skills.
Submission Guideline:
Interested & qualified candidates should submit their applications along with curriculum vitae (CV) indicating the Province Name & Position Title in SUBJECT of Email to (, indicating vacancy and position title and Provence name to which you want to apply in the subject line of your application within the submission deadline. Otherwise, your application will be not considered for further steps. No other document is needed to be submitted unless invited for an interview. Applications received after the closing date will not be considered.
Note: Please mention the announced Provence name in the subject line, to which you want to apply. Otherwise, your application will be not considered for further steps.
Female candidates are highly encouraged to apply
Submission Email:
نوت: هنگام ارسال CV لطفا اسم ولایت و عنوان بست را در بخش (Subject) ایمیل ذکر نماید، در غیر آن واجد شرایط شناخته نخواهد شد.