Meeting of the Acting Minister of MMD with Afghan Ambassador and Permanent Representative in the United Nation

On Tuesday, 6 July 2021 Professor Hamidullah Farooqi the Acting Minister of MMD visited with Ghulam Mohammad Ishaqzai the Afghan Ambassador and Permanent Representative in the United Nations and to discuss relevant issues to heirs of martyrs and people with disabilities (HoMs & PwDs).
While Pro Farooqi thanked from Mr. Ishaqzai for his presence at Ministry of MMD, gave information about plans, activities, achievements and challenges that MMD is facing to provide services for HoMs & PwDs. In addition, Pro Farooqi said that MMD according to Law and Privileges of HoMs & PwDs and cooperation with relevant national and international institutions, the opportunities of rehabilitation, education and employment provided for them. But it is not enough due to increasing the number of HoMs & PwDs.
Moreover, Pro Farooqi claimed that Ministry has been facing many challenges in implementing its programs and activities due to lack of financial budget now and in the past years. So, those challenges require financial and technical support from international organizations, specifically the United Nations. Furthermore, Pro Farooqi wanted from Permanent Representative of Afghanistan to the United Nations to consider relevant issues to HoMs & PwDs in diplomatic discussion and negotiations with representatives of countries at the United Nations in order to cooperate comprehensively in this regard.
Mr. Gholam Mohammad Ishaqzai the Permanent Representative of Afghanistan to the United Nations also assured Pro Farooqi the Acting Minister of MMD that the issues related to HoMs & PwDs would be on the agenda of their diplomatic talks with representatives of other countries at the United Nations. He added that they would also discuss on creation of a cooperative fund with officials at the United Nations in New York. in addition, he called the integration, raising the participation of HoMs & PwDs and changing the culture in dealing with them as an important issues and promised to ask for help from international and UN partners to provide financial and technical support.