It is our significant priority to handle to heirs of martyrs and people with disabilities

It is our significant priority to handle to heirs of martyrs and people with disabilities.
On Tuesday, June 29, 202 Professor Hamidullah Farooqi the Acting Minister of MMD attended to the Questions and Answers session of Loye Jirga to answer questions from members of Finance and Budget Commission of Parliament on spending of 1400 financial budget.
First of all, Pro Farooqi provide satisfied explanation on payments and spending budgets of 1400 fiscal year to members of the Finance and Budget Commission of Parliament. He said that despite the delay in approving budget of this year, about half of the budget has been spended from total budget of this Ministry. Moreover, he stated that since last year the Ministry has been working to have electronic services and banking to pay rights of martyrs and people with disabilities, which continuous efforts are accomplishing at center and provinces. In addition, he wanted cooperation of all government departments at center and provinces about to electronic services, document processing, ensuring transparency in payments and other plans ministry, so, requested from representative of Parliament to cooperate with MMD.
Furthermore, Pro Farooqi expressed that distribution of Electronic Identity Cards is one of the most important method to ensure and provide transparency and fight against corruption due to paying salaries of HoMs & PwDs, and this process have to accelerate in center and provinces. He asserted that handling toHoMs & PwDs is one of the ministry's main responsibilities and priorities.
Mr. Mir Afghan Saapi the directorate of Finance and Budget Committee of Parliament and other members of committee, considered the responses of Pro Farooqi as an accepted response about paying salaries, challenges, and providing services to HoMs & PwDs and supported from plans of Ministry in order to electronic services, transparency and fight against corruption.
It is significant to mention that in this session the Acting Minister of MMD was accompanied by Madam Sabri Andar the Deputy Minister of Programs and Coordination, and officials of the Ministry.