The meeting of leadership board was held
The meeting of leadership board was held
On Monday, April 5, 2021 the meeting of leadership board of ministry under chairman of Professor Hamidullah Farooqi the Acting Minister for Ministry of Martyrs and Disabled Affairs was held.
First of all, the heads of departments gave information about their performance related to previous decisions of leadership board meeting.
Secondly, Mr. Farooqi impacted on better and more effective handling for affairs of heirs of martyrs and people with disabilities. He said that those whose documents have been completed and received electronical Identity Card, their salaries payment have to start in Kabul and provinces as soon as possible . Also, accelerate the process of remaining documents in order to complete the process.
Mr. Farooqi ordered to the relevant departments to put complaint box in center and provinces in order to everyone could share their complains with ministry. So, the process of reviewing these complaints have to be based on specific mechanism due to not waste someone's rights are neglected.
The Acting Minister for Ministry of Martyrs and Disabled Affairs wanted from all departments to take serious the orders and decisions of cabinet and presidency, and he ordered to relevant departments to formulate a specific instruction and follow up based on that procedure.
Moreover, Mr. Farooqi called significant in order to further reform, observe and hiring competence and expert people. He imacted that based n rule and regulation and with cooperation of Administration Reform and Civil Service all empty position have to filled.